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Tabernacle Credos

Sinaites Creed (Brothers)

A creed is a statement of beliefs, expressed convictions and affirmation of cultural truths that are binding and branding. The Sons of Sinai have such a creed and this is our credo.

The Sons of Sinai Creed

I believe in you O Father YAH and I affirm your holiness and righteousness through worship, deeds and prayer. I acknowledge O YAH that you are one, that you are sovereign and that there is no one who rules with you or beside you. All things have been made by you and all things are beneath you. I have made a covenant with you to walk in your ways O YAH and have bound myself to your precepts to either receive salvation unto eternal life or condemnation unto eternal death.

As your son: I will achieve excellence through Sinaitic study and Holiness through personal application. Beney Sinai – Shabbat Shalom

D.O.V Declaration of Faith

I am a daughter of Sinai; therefore, I am the daughter of virtue. My service is unto Elohim, and my oath is unto YAH. I am declaring this day by an oath, to serve YAH in a virtuous manner, to walk in his laws, and to exemplify virtue in all that I do and say. I have vowed to be a devoted servant unto YAH, an obedient wife unto my husband, a loving mother unto my child, a caring mother unto the motherless, and a supportive sister unto my sisters. I have vowed to love YAH, to fear him, and to serve him unto everlasting life or unto eternal death.

As the daughter of Sinai: I will achieve excellence through Sinaitic study and holiness through personal application.

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Isaiah 5:20 NIV

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

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